Quality Craftsmanship
in Every Build

Stirling, On

Brubacher Shed Overview

Brubacher Shed Overview

Our sheds are built to rigorous quality standards, to ensure that they are durable and strong. Here’s some of our standard shed specifications.

Brubacher Super Shed with double end doors

2x4 floor joist 16” o/c

5/8" spruce plywood floors

 2x4 studs, 24” o/c

All structures use stamped lumber

60" or 72" double doors

Shingle or steel roofing (on most structures)

features & Upgrades


Add Additional Windows

Shed with Windows & Doors

Upgrade To Steel Doors

Metal Shed roofing

Upgrade to Steel Roofing

Window Box with flowers

Window Boxes

Now Available! Aluminum Ramps

Can I custom order my shed?

Sure. We’re happy to customize our standard shed lines and products. That said, the customizations we agree to do typically need to fit within the workflow and shed line-up we’re setup for. Just ask!

Will my shed be delivered or built on site?

Our standard process is to build in the shop. This gives us maximum control over the product and the process. However, if we cannot access your location, we can custom build us on site.

Do you offer rent-to-own options or shed financing?

No. We do not offer rent-to-own purchasing or offer financing for your shed.

Do you finish the sheds you build?

No. Our sheds come with unfinished pine. Many of our customers choose to finish their structure after delivery.

Super shed in yard
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